Tuesday, September 01, 2015

How to Spark Joy!

Reading the book The life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo I loved her premise.. a constant question to ask ‘does it Spark Joy?’ – it got me thinking.

The life-changing magic of tidying upMany leaders I work with are overwhelmed, overstressed and overtired… and some don’t have joy! This is a great read and I highly recommend it.


Three strategies to de-clutter, get organized and also spark more joy are listed below… love to know what you would add.


Discard First – this principle applies in the book in getting more organized and I believe it applies to life. Where do you need to discard activities, tasks… maybe even relationships so that you can be more ah-mazing on a daily basis? Maybe you need to say no more often so you can say Yes to the things that really matter? A challenge to you today is discard one email in your inbox. That’s right… don’t answer every email, delete those you don’t need to respond to – you will feel lighter. You know that feeling of cleaning out your wardrobe… you always feel lighter when it’s done!


Be Generous – once you have discarded items at home or work can you donate them to worthy causes. At the time of writing Purple Heart is picking up weekly from my house (I am embarrassed to admit that), however you have resources others would benefit from, can you donate to your local charity. So many great causes for clothing like Career Wardrobe and others. Do you have books, magazines, CDs (I know I am showing my age), that you can give to others who would be able to use them to grow and learn?


Spark Joy – what sparks joy for you? I love champagne, shoes and spending time with my god daughters; Maddie and Ava. Can you do more of what sparks joy for you and others around you? How can you have more impact and influence on your team, your community, and your social media platforms?


Today you can choose to be ah-mazing and be in awe and wonder as you approach the day ask yourself ‘does this spark joy?’


As an ah-mazing leader, today choose to spark joy and have more impact and influence on those in your world.

The post How to Spark Joy! appeared first on Neen James.

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