Monday, August 03, 2015

Productively Prioritize People

Success Pyramid of PeopleAll leaders know their success is dependent on the people around them.

To have more impact and influence everyday we need to prioritize people. There will always be processes, to-do lists, targets and objectives to achieve… and it is with people we achieve the greatest results.


Here are three strategies to assist you prioritize people in your work, home and community.

Pay Attention – to accelerate your engagement consider eliminating distractions. Distractions can include our cell phones, meetings, social media and other people. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the gift of your undivided attention. Today can you choose to pay attention more and as my five-year-old friend Donovan says, ‘listen with your eyes.’ Spend time today noticing everyone who assists you in a day. It might be the barista for your morning coffee, the security guard, and the people at the bus stop. Who are the people around you who would benefit from your attention today? When is the last time you scheduled a one on one with your team to check in on their progress?

Pay it forward – many of us are fortunate to live great lives in a country that allows us great freedoms. Today could you decide to pay it forward by recommending a service to someone else, recommending someone by providing an unsolicited recommendation on LinkedIn, or endorse the work of a team member to someone else? When was the last time you proactively paid it forward for someone you know?

Pay for expertise – to accelerate personal and professional development you could invest by working with a coach, buying a book on a topic you will benefit on you knowing about, listening to a podcast to keep your skills current. I am a huge believer in paying for the expertise of others. We use people to help us with accounting, video, social media, business coaching, speech coaching… you can see I need A LOT of help! If you can’t pay money for expertise could you barter time and expertise. When was the last time you reached out to someone to learn a skill or talent you would benefit from knowing? When was the last time you shared your expertise with your team?

You don’t have time to everything, only time to do what matters. Today choose to prioritize people; you will be so glad you did.


The post Productively Prioritize People appeared first on Keynote Speaker & Leadership Coach Neen James.

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