Monday, November 16, 2015

3 Strategies for Leaders: Accelerate Attention, Appreciation and Affection

leaders pay attentionLeaders profit by paying attention.

Paying attention increases productivity, profitability and accountability.


If you want to strengthen your relationships at work and home with your team, your clients and your family these will be helpful to you:


Attention – when you pay attention to people around you people feel seen and heard. That’s what we all want. A simple strategy is using people’s names in conversations. Dale Carnegie wrote a great book called How to Win Friends and Influence People. In the book he says ‘a person’s name is the sweetest sound’. Use team members names in meetings, on teleconferences, in emails and when you meet someone in service ask them their name and use it during your time together. So many ways to make others feel valued.


Appreciation – show someone you saw their contribution with a handwritten note, a complimentary email or a shout out during a team meeting. The simple art of thanking someone for a contribution is an important leadership skill. It also translates in our lives at home, thank your family for helping with the dishes, putting out the trash and not bringing their cell phones to the meal table. Call up a client and thank them for their business, send a holiday note thanking someone for their role in the project. So many ways to show others they are valued.


Affection – I am a hugger. If you have met me, you know that I am affectionate. While you may not be able to hug (or want to hug those you work with) affection can be a kind word or a helpful gesture. Be generous with your praise, affection and kindness each day. This week look for ways to show affection at home and kindness at work.


Leaders profit by paying attention, showing appreciation and extending affection and in a world that sometimes feels crazy, it’s the little things we do that make the biggest impact.

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