Wednesday, March 13, 2019

At What Price Do We Forfeit Attention?

Give intentional attention in lifeThe cost of our inattention is real and the consequences are enormous. It’s not just our financial costs that get impacted, but the tangible costs to our personal, professional, and societal costs to our individual and collective lack of attention.


At a personal level, our health, our relationships, and our opportunities for career advancement suffer significantly when we don’t give thoughtful attention to ourselves and the people we care about most. Professional, lack of attention has a dramatic negative impact on our day-to-day productivity, employee engagement, sales, and bottom line results. Globally, our carelessness has led to irreparable hard to our natural resources, plant and animal species, and the planet itself.


The price we are paying for our inattention is far too great.
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We get one life to lead. Is this how we want to choose to spend it? Always overwhelmed, overtired, and stressed? Or, would we rather feel productive at the day’s end, feeling accomplished and joyful knowing what we’ve contributed to our lives and the lives of others? When we pay attention, we get to utilize our talents and skills because we are committed to staying focused.


Paying attention isn't giving intentional attention.
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You may think you are doing work that matters, but maybe you’re not. You may think you make people in your life feel like they matter, but do they really? It’s not that we don’t want to pay attention. We really are trying, but perhaps we fail to see where we could be doing better.


The post At What Price Do We Forfeit Attention? appeared first on Neen James.

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