Thursday, August 23, 2018

How to Pay Attention to Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Do you pay enough attention to your body, mind, and spirit? Consider these three ways to pay attention to the body you have, the mind you’ve been gifted with and also your spirit.


Or, are you too busy working to prioritize those things that matter most: your health and well-being?

Body – Make an appointment


Exercise, healthy eating, sleep and rest are critical for our bodies to operate effectively and efficiently each day. They are the essential tool we need to do our best work professionally and personally. It’s easy to come up with excuses to put your body’s needs last, and yet we need to switch that priority because they do matter! Start off first by creating a standing, no-excuses appointment for yourself. Choose your method of body focus, whether it means stepping out of the office for a walk, to have lunch, creating an appointment or to workout. Maybe it’s creating an appointment with your doctor for the checkup that you’ve been meaning to have.


In my case, there’s certain things that I love to do, to treat myself as well. And so I make sure I schedule appointments with those. My personal trainer is Jennifer Jacobs – a fabulously fit professional who also teaches cycling classes for Peloton. I have a regular appointment that takes priority on my calendar. She helps hold me accountable to my fitness goals when I may otherwise give myself excuses to skip.


No matter what you schedule your time for, commit to it as you would a client appointment, doctors appointment or meeting with your boss. No excuses.


Mind – Fuel your thoughts.  


Can you make quiet time where you read something that inspires you? Maybe the paper or a professional journal. Either way, really consider what you are doing to grow your mind and develop the way you think. Consider blogs that might challenge you, articles or white papers you may enjoy reading. Either way, make reading a priority. Set aside 15 minutes a day at first to develop the habit. Soon or later, you’ll find yourself reading more frequently for longer periods of time.


Spirit – Your soul is a temple. 


Spiritual might mean all kinds of things to all sorts of people. It might mean church, a temple, community, or maybe charity. I encourage you to consider doing something daily to feed your spirit.  Perhaps it’s lighting a candle to bring serenity to your space, or writing in a gratitude journal to help focus.  It might be saying 10 things you’re grateful for the moment you wake up, or perhaps it’s prayer or meditation. Consider getting involved in a charity, using your skills and talent to help benefit them.


Three ways you can pay attention to your body, your mind, and your spirit, so you can unleash your best self.


Know someone who could use inspiration to pay attention to their health and well-being? Consider sending them a link to this blog or have them watch my video:


If we’re not connected on social media, let’s fix that. You can follow me on Instagram, and all the stories and adventures that I share. You can follow me on Twitter. If you haven’t got yourself a copy of Attention Pays, we talk about how do you pay attention personally, professionally, and globally. So get your hands on a copy of this book as well. I’d love to hear what you would add below, so please share with me, how do you pay attention to your body, your mind, and your spirit.


I believe that when we pay attention, attention pays.

The post How to Pay Attention to Your Mind, Body and Spirit appeared first on Neen James.

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