Friday, May 08, 2015

Embrace What Matters

My friend does what matters.


At home he dotes on his kids, attends sporting games, coaches often and is fully attentive when possible.

At work he knows the numbers, his brilliant brain often does big deals in his head and he’s incredibly successful.

At community events he often generously contributes financially and strategically with advice, resources, coaching and networking.


He’s amazing.



You know someone like that, don’t you? Maybe I am describing you?


You don’t have time to do everything, only time to do what matters.  [Click to Tweet]


We need to embrace what matters. For each of you reading this, what matters to you is different to many people around you.




At homeFamily matters. Family takes many forms. My girlfriend says ‘it’s great that friends are like family, and family are like friends’. Can you give your undivided attention to someone you share your life with. Switch off your cell phone, share a meal with someone or go for a walk outside and enjoy conversation.


At workNumbers matter. Can you focus on the numbers? If you have your own company focus on what you bank, sell and deliver to your clients. If you work for a team know your sales targets, ROI and how you contribute to the P & L. If you manage a team of people, make time for every single one (maybe not all in one day).


At communityGenerosity matters – Give generously of your time and experience to local events, serve on boards and donate your brilliance. If you can’t give funds, give time. If you can’t give time, give connections. Simple.


I admire my friend, and so many of my friends like him who have busy lives full of responsibilities and commitments and they still invest time in others at home, at work and in their community.  He inspires me to want to do more, give more and be more.


How can you truly embrace what matters in your life? What do you need to give up in order to be able to give fully of the things that are most important to you?

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