Thursday, March 07, 2019

Women’s History Month: What Woman Would You Like to Thank?

During Women’s History month we often celebrate the celebrities, authors, poets, and pioneers who have gone before us to create a path.

There are 10 women who have shaped the woman I am today – I’d love you to meet them.

My path has been shaped by this list below. I am who I am today because of these women who are part of my DNA.

Each of these women, while they may not realize it, have been influential to me and role models of greatness that history will one day talk about.


Mum – your strength as a single mum raising two little girls will always astound me. My love of Christmas, and celebrating life’s moments is because of how you role modeled this when we were little girls growing up. You were always, and still are the social butterfly always looking for ways to host others, make them feel special, help them feel seen…. I get that from you.


Aunty Carol – your love of life and laughter is contagious and I get mine from you. You always made us laugh, you find the funny, you role modeled travel and adventure to this little girl from a tiny town. You showed me how big the world really was and that I could be or do anything I wanted in this life. My love of laughter comes from you. My sense of adventure comes from you.


Candy – your wit always makes me giggle and your deep connection to honesty and authenticity is inspiring to me. You will always be one of the greatest loves in my life and as I watched you grow from my baby sister into a successful mum and career woman I burst with pride. Kaftans and cocktails forever.



Megan – your ability to see right into my soul will forever astound me. Your sense of justice inspires me. You saw more than the outside. You helped shape my style, gave me confidence, and helped steer me when my ship felt like it was sinking. You always have the right thing to say at the right time for the right situation. You were right. My history was changed when you walked into my life in those stilettos all those years ago.



Tami – your service to others, your ability to perform, and bring joy and light into the world is a constant reminder to me (and others) of the influence you are in the world. Our histories will be intertwined forever and our journey is marked by so many lessons and celebrations. I am a better performer because of you.


JJ – as a successful businesswoman, devoted mum, constant cheerleader, and encourager… and the world’s best personal trainer I am inspired by your drive, your ability to see (and hold) my potential for me so that I can become stronger, more balanced and even more determined. I see not only physical, but mental and emotional changes because of what we achieve together. History will look back at your see all your hard work in the world and how it forever changed the hearts, minds, and bodies of people and the influence you have to help people unleash their best self.


Tamsen – your brain, your heart, and your beauty inspire people everywhere. I will always be grateful Scott connected us. My goals are achieved because of our accountability. My life is more focused because of you. You change history with the work you do.


Robyn – you were the first ‘motivational’ speaker I ever saw and you helped me see this as a career choice… and you helped me realize I could do that. Your constant encouragement, love, support, and friendship as I have authored books, grown my practice and strengthened my skills on the platform – you were a big part of my history.


Barbara – watching you navigate a male-dominated industry with grace and poise was inspiring to me. You took a chance on me early in my career and helped me see that anything is possible when you pay attention to the details and you deliver 150% more than everyone else. You were the biggest influence in my corporate career, I still hear you in my head even 20 years later.


Jen couldn’t do life without you my friend. You role model spiritual commitment and faith more than anyone I know. You have been through my whole history and you are the keeper of my deepest secrets. Your love of dreams and beauty inspires me. Life is more glamorous and fun with you in it.


Who is a woman that has influenced your history? Tag them below and tell me why? Can’t wait to hear your stories.


The post Women’s History Month: What Woman Would You Like to Thank? appeared first on Neen James.

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